A PDF with a complete list of publications is available here.


Probability and Random Processes for Electrical Engineering, Addison-Wesley, First Edition 1989. Second Edition, 1994. Third Edition, 2008. 

Features of the book include:

  • Introduction to probability for electrical and computer engineers at a third/fourth year level
  • Introduction to random processes at a fourth-year/graduate level
  • Numerous examples from electrical and computer engineering to motivate the material
  • Balance between the traditional topics required in signals and systems and reliability and the more recent topics from computer and communications networks and signal processing.

Prof. Leon-Garcia is also author of Student Solution Manual for Probability and Random Processes for Electrical Engineering, Addison-Wesley, 2nd Edition, 1994.

The adoption list grew steadily since the book was introduced in 1989, and users include many of the major universities in North America and in the world. The book has been translated into Chinese, Korean, and Spanish.


Communication Networks:  Fundamental Concepts and Key Architectures, McGraw-Hill, January 2000, 2nd Edition, 2003.  (Co-authored with Indra Widjaja).

This book has been used worldwide in telecommunications graduate programs and has been translated into Chinese and Spanish.


Research Monograph

Network Science for Communications, co-authored with Ali Tizghadam.

This research monograph consolidates our research on network design algorithms using the network criticality metric. The book includes introductory foundation material. Target completion date:  Spring 2012.